Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Somebody call the waaaaabulance...... waaa waaa waaa

  I posted an opinion, who doesn't right? You really don't have to agree with me, I understand.
 So why blog about it? I mean really?
So Pit Bulls are in the news every day, this is a fact.
I have an opinion, so do you, or maybe you are not aware there is a problem.
I mean we have so many other problems, right???
Well I'm sorry, but when I hear about a baby, getting it's legs ripped off it bothers me.
When I hear that a shelter adopts out a dog, and 2 weeks later, someone dies, it bothers me.
I have even cried, Yes Cried.... sobbed like a little baby.
So for some strange reason I want to see a change???? Go figure??
I take a look at the statistics, which are increasing at an alarming rate, and I just think no way!
So I speak up, I have my opinion...
I don't care if you agree, or disagree, I am still going to have my opinion.
I might mention, this opinion is mine, I have not been influenced by anyone else.
I have noticed that there are those that believe that, I am part of a cult, okay go right ahead, if that somehow changes the message contained, in my opinion please feel free to think that way.
So I share this link so that you will have the pleasure, of laughing as hard as I did.

I just want to thank my fan club for helping me to spread my message.
Big smiles, Have a great day.
Update why am I doing this?

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